Tuesday, March 12, 2013

In response to the video posted above...I can't believe that with all the modern technologies in today's society that countries such as Kenya are still way behind times.  It is just hard to imagine it having never been outside the U.S. borders that there is a whole other world that is not as up to date.  The difference between rich and poor is understood.  We are spoiled with our luxuries that make our lives easier.  They are excited about being able to use a laptop, and have a more organized voting process(which still includes a plastic tote to collect the votes in)  They talk about corruption, and people dying.  I guess the last election held in 2007, thousands of people died.  I see lots of bright colored clothes, some brand names, and then dirt streets, run down struxtures, and the first thing I think of is very trashy.  Happy to see they are making progress but still they have a very long row to hoe.  I can't even fathom living in conflict and conterversy day in and day out. What impact that must have on how they view life.  I guess though if you have always been around it, you know no different, if you have never traveled or watched TV, movies, or had access to internet....you just play your cards you are dealt, live life as you know it...and believe that if you want to see change, you have to be willing to be that change.
